How to test Devise Omniauth in your local development environment with Instagram

For testing in your local environment, you can set the Omniauth redirect to a URL on your localhost. First, you have to add localhost to your list of authorized hosts in your Omniauth settings:

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Then access the Oauth link to log into Instagram. You can do this by clicking a link in your browser set by your Rails app running locally, or you can type the URL into your browser directly:<-- your client id -->&redirect_uri=http://localhost:5050/users/auth/instagram/callback&response_type=code

You can then log into your Instagram account and it will redirect you back to the application.

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Showing that the Devise callback URL is being hit by the browser with the access token from inside rails s:

     2: def instagram
     3:   @user = User.from_omniauth(omniauth_data)
     5:   binding.pry
 =>  7:   if @user.access_token != omniauth_data.credentials.token
     8:     # This will be saved by the `sign_in_and_redirect` method below
     9:     @user.access_token = omniauth_data.credentials.token
    10:   end

[1] pry(#<Users::OmniauthCallbacksController>)> @user
=> #<User id: 1, uid: "300202775", email: "", created_at: "2017-06-18 19:25:50", updated_at: "2017-06-18 19:25:50", access_token: nil, first_name: "Winston", last_name: "Kotzan", middle_name: "", time_zone: nil, provider: "instagram">
[2] pry(#<Users::OmniauthCallbacksController>)> User.count
   (1.2ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users"
=> 1
[4] pry(#<Users::OmniauthCallbacksController>)> request.env['omniauth.auth']
=> {"provider"=>"instagram",
   "name"=>"Winston Kotzan",
 "credentials"=>{"token"=>"300202775.ce5d604.417373f3e1e844478f2ddfae17dbe378", "expires"=>false},
     "full_name"=>"Winston Kotzan",
[5] pry(#<Users::OmniauthCallbacksController>)>